Illuminosi for EaaS
Illuminosi is a contract engineering service specializing in data storage technologies. Engineering As A Service (EaaS) describes how we do business. Join us for the very best in engineering services.
Illuminosi brings new contract engineering services to storage, beginning with standards work. This offers new opportunities for storage companies to get involved with the standards that define their products. Through the services of Illuminosi, companies of any size have early access and influence concerning the emerging standards. This is a big equalizer for small or new firms who do not have the budget for a standards team.
For many years, it has been normal to contract outside firms for the IP in your chip designs. Think of firms like Cadence and Synopsis. Now you can do the same thing with your standards engagements.
This is where we come in. We know this world VERY well, and have a deep background in hardware, firmware and software engineering. This allows us to speak the native language of your engineers and customers. We have also provided significant support to marketing teams in technical training and connecting to new customers.
While we call this "Engineering as a Service", we understand that only a portion of what a standards team does involves the engineering efforts. Illuminosi will work with your marketing and planning teams to define your strategy and tactics for standards work. We also provide technical updates to your sales teams, keeping them up to date on the latest proposals in the standards world. Several departments will benefit from services Illuminosi's standards team provides.
Illuminosi's management has significant experience in organizational structure and the technologies needed to run an efficient standards organization. Based on that, we have organized and equipped our team so that they are more productive. You will reap the benefits of this. Contact us, and see how simple standards engagements can be.
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