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Compatibility focus at Illuminosi

The whole reason for standards is compatibility. This is why we exist. Users want access to reliable storage that "just works" when they connect to it. No issues of degraded performance, sudden wear-out or data destruction because of a malware attack. No need to have protocol analyzers at the customer site, the drives work flawlessly and pass qual tests the first time.

We are here to ensure that your silicon and firmware specifications are the latest revision, that they are built correctly and all outstanding bugs are documented before you commit your reputation to a qual cycle with a big customer. We will work with your test team(s) to ensure that you have not only the latest tests from the "plug fest" organizations such as UNH/IOL and PCI-SIG, but that you are aware of the real world gotchas that will arise when your drives are deployed en masse.

Time to Market

Being first to market is an important strategy when you want volume shipments to the first tier customers. To do that, you need to have access to the specifications before they are released. Ideally, you will get access to these specification changes as they are occuring so that your engineering teams can stay up to date on the designs. We will help you to understand not only the changes, but the rationale behind these changes. At the same time we will help your marketing and planning teams to understand these changes so that they showcase the technical prowess of your engineering teams. Contact us today for more information on how we can help you reach these goals.

Time and money

Test preparation is the key to success in winning your customer's repeat business. We will help you in many different areas of test preparation. We will keep you updated on the development specifications, and the test specs and scripts as well. Then, we will keep you apprised of the latest test lab schedules, and help you become registered as "standard devices" so that your designs will continue to work with future test script updates.

We can help you connect into all the various testing houses so that your devices become standard devices when they launch a new test cycle. Think how that would be if your devices were part of the test cycle for every version of Ubuntu Linux or Windows.

Illuminosi and compatibility

Our commitment to compatibility is deep. This is the entire reason we exist and we feel very passionate about it. Let us help you become a new example of excellence in compatibility. Contact us today for more information.

So what does that mean? It means that your customers will never have to worry about your products misbehaving. It means that you will never be remembered for being "that SSD" that would not work right in their scenarios.

Plug fest involvement

We have been deeply involved with plug fests of various kinds for years; including USB-IF, PCI-SIG and NVMe. Our team has been a long time participant in the NVMe Test and Compatibility Committee, because of our commitment to test quality.


The University of New Hampshire InterOperability Lab has long been a part of the NVMe and network compatibility solution. We will help you work closely with this group of quality minded test engineers in training.

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